ITP (individual heating unit) - this is a set of technical devices intended for connection of heat building systems (heating, ventilation, domestic hot water (DHW)) to the heating network and to transmit and distribution of thermal energy of the coolant (hot water) by heating network system to heat residential, industrial, warehouse, etc. buildings.
Individual heater includes:
- system of hot water (DHW), designed to provide hot water at home;
- сistemu cold water providing the necessary pressure in the system of water supply of residential premises;
- heating system that supports indoor air temperature specified;
- a ventilation system that provides heated air entering the ventilation systems of buildings.
Scheme of ITP
Individual heater works as follows. Boiler gives coolant (usually water) through the pipeline in the hot water heaters and heating systems in apartments, then the coolant goes to the return line and returned to the boiler for re-use.
Cold water system supplies water through the pumps in the system, where it is the distribution: one part goes to the apartment, and the other transferred to the circulation loop hot water system for heating and further distribution of hot water and heating.
Individual heater consists of a variety of devices - the input and output reservoirs, pipelines, pumps, heat exchangers (heat exchangers), instrumentation (instrumentation), thermostats, and other. As can be seen, ITP rather complicated system, therefore, requires careful maintenance.
Service individual heat supply station includes:
- inspection of heating elements (heat exchangers, pumps, instrumentation). If necessary, repair or replacement of these components, as well as washing and cleaning of heat exchangers.
- inspection of the ventilation system (automatic control devices, instrumentation, valves)
- inspection DHW
- control heat parameters (pressure, temperature, flow rate)
- infeed unit verification
- inspection DHW thermostats
- and the inspection of other devices in the ITP.